2017-02-15  浏览:52
模具之家讯:1 目的 / Purpose
Define the development process of new mold/die for management.

2 适用范围/Scope
This instruction is applied to the application, development, manufacture and acceptance of new mold/die in Electra Shenzhen.

3 职责/Responsibility
3.1 技术部:下发新产品图纸及设计变更图纸,负责新模的申请及样品的确认,协助制造工程师对模具制造过程进行跟踪,协助采购工程师选定合适供应商。
R&D is responsible for distributing new product drawing and design change drawing, applying new mold/die and confirming sample, assisting ME engineer to follow up mold/die, and assisting Purchase Engineer to qualify suitable supplier.

3.2 采购部: 负责寻找模具供应商,对供应商报价进行评估及确定供应商,负责下发采购订单及签署模具合同,以及公司内外部的协调工作。
PUR is responsible for finding mold/die supplier, estimating the quotation from supplier and /confirm/iing, issuing purchase order and signing mold/die contract, and coordinating relevant work between inner and outer.

3.3 品质部: 负责样品的检测及评估,协助模具工程师对模具制造过程进行跟踪。
QA is responsible for testing and assessing sample, and assisting mold/die Engineer to follow up the mold/die supplier.
3.4 ME部: 制造工程师负责新产品的产能分析,协助采购工程师选定合适供应商。
制造工程师负责制定模具技术要求,跟进整个模具制造过程及最终模具验收; 协助采购工程师选定合适供应商;负责所有模具资料的存档保管。
ME Depart.:ME Engineer is responsible for analyzing new product capacity and assisting Purchase Engineer to qualify suitable supplier, ME Engineer is responsible for defining the technical requirement of mold/die, following up the whole routine of mold/die manufacture includes final acceptance, assisting Purchase Engineer to qualify suitable supplier, retaining the file of all molds/dies.

4、 程序 / Procedure
4.1 新开模具申请 / Application of new mold/die
4.1.1 由技术部项目工程师根据新产品开发的需要填写《新开模具申请书》(R-ESP-R&D-01-01A),该申请书需经项目经理及技术总监签字后,递交给ME部,递交时必须附带新零件的图纸和2D电子图档。并同时在Oracle系统提出采购申请。
R&D Project Engineer will fill in <New Mold / Die Requisition> according to development requirement of new product and submit to ME after signed by Project Manager and R&D Director. The attachment of product structure drawing and 2D drawing is necessary. Applicant in the Oracle system.

4.1.2 ME模具工程师接到完整的《新开模具申请书》后,根据《新开模具申请书》及产品图纸要求,在3天之内完成《模具技术要求》(R-WI-PE-010-01A),并将《模具技术要求》递交给采购部。《模具技术要求》包括模具材质、结构、工序编排、验收等方面的要求。ME作为Oracle责任审批部门
ME mold/die Engineer will finish <Mold/Die Technical Requirement> according to the requirements of <New Mold / Die Requisition> and product drawing during 3 days and submit it to PUR. The <Mold/Die Technical Requirement> should include the requirements of mold/die character, structure, process layout and acceptance, etc. ME is the responsibility department to approval the Oracle requiremnet

If one mold value higher than RMB40,000,Application depart. Need to provide the invest analysis report ,and get the GM’s approval.

4.2 模具供应商的选择 / Choice mold/die supplier

4.2.1 采购部工程师根据《模具技术要求》及产品图纸要求寻找合适供应商进行报价,报价工作需在5天内完成, 报价供应商必须至少3家。
PUR Engineer will find some suitable suppliers to quotation according to <Mold/Die Technical Requirement> and product drawing requirement. The quotation should be completed during 5 days and the suppliers should not less than 3 units.

4.2.2 供应商报完价后, 采购部工程师必须召集相关部门人员(包括:ME、采购部、技术部、及质量部的人员)开会进行评估,以共同确定最佳模具供应商。提交采购总监及总经理审核批准.
After quoted by supplier, PUR Engineer will collect relevant persons (include: ME, PUR, R&D, QA) to assess and confirm the best.

4.2.3 模具供应商确定后,采购部与供应商共同签署模具合同,采购部下达采购订单,通知供应商进行开模。
After defined the mold/die supplier, PUR will sign a contract with supplier, and then a purchase order will be issued to supplier for making mold/die.
Remark: Mold/Die contract shall describe that the Mold/Die could not be accepted till its 50pcs samples produced by relevant manufacturer were inspected and passed.
4.2.4 供应商信息确认,下达采购合同后,财务部将模具的资产编号信息告知ME,采购,技术部

4.3 模具制造过程跟踪 / Follow up the manufacture of mold/die

4.3.1 模具供应商选定后, ME部制造工程师、技术部工程师及供应商一起分析。内容包括:产品及模具结构尺寸、使用材料、公差标注,分型面、水口形式、位置等.讨论会之后,供应商提供模具制造详细日程,经以莱特制造工程师确认后,开始进行模具开发。#p#分页标题#e#
ME and R&D Engineers will discuss with supplier.including the part and mold structure, plastic resin, tolerance,parting line,gate,located . The supplier will provide the schedule of making mold/die and start to develop after approved by Electra Shenzhen ME Engineer.

4.3.2 ME部制造工程师将根据《模具制作进度表》(R-WI-PE-010-02A)定期地(每周1次)检查实际进度,并协助供应商解决模具制造加工中出现的疑难问题。
ME Engineer will audit the schedule periodically (once time per week) and assist the supplier to resolve any problem occurred in mold/die making process.

4.3.3 供应商做好模具设计之后, ME部制造工程师将对模具图纸进行评审,评审内容包括模具结构、使用材料、公差标注等。评审经确认之后,供应商开始进行模具的零部件加工及模具组装。
After the design of mold/die was completed by supplier, ME mold/die Engineer will review the mold/die drawing includes the structure, material, tolerance mark, etc. the supplier will start to manufacture the components of mold/die and assemble after confirmed by Electra Shenzhen.

4.4 试模及样品确认 / Mold/die trial and sample /confirm/iation

4.4.1 模具组装完成之后, ME部制造工程师将与供应商一起安排试模,制造工程师对试模过程进行跟进,必要时,技术部及品质部工程师要协助跟进,制造工程师和供应商需对试模的各种参数进行记录和存档。
After the mold/die was assembLED, ME Engineer will arrange mold/die trial together with supplier. ME Engineer is responsible for following up the process of trial, if necessary, R&D and QA will assist. ME Engineer and supplier will record and retain all kinds of parameter of trial.
4.4.2 模具T1阶段完成后,ME制造工程师,技术部工程师根据产品要求和模具加工情况,对样品进行评估,与供应商讨论,确定修改方案,工期,对N G项目进行修正,再次试模并提供样品进行确认。

4.4.3 产品试模完成后,供应商需提供样品及其检验报告给以莱特作确认,制造工程师对样品外观等作初步检查后,递交给技术部执行ESP-QA-03《零部件评估程序》。
After final trial, supplier will provide the samples and relevant inspection report to Electra Shenzhen for /confirm/iation. The samples will be submitted to R&D to deal with according to ESP-QA-03 <Component evaluation Procedure> after mold/die Engineer checked and confirmed the appearance.

Remark: QA will follow up the quality status in supplier site when confirmed the 50pcs samples which’s produced continually. If any problem was found, the 50pcs new samples are needed after corrected. Otherwise, raw material in trial run shall conform the requirements in component drawing.

4.4.3 当样品的结构尺寸和外观经技术部和质量部确认合格后,要对最后的试模件进行签样,并以书面或邮件的形式通知ME和采购部。模具工程师准备进行模具转移管理程序(WI-ME-001)。
If the sample is passed by R&D and QA, need sign the approval sample, inform ME and Pur by formal form or E-mail. Then ME engineer will start to mold transfer procedure.(WI-ME-001)

4.5 模具验收 / Mold/die acceptance

4.5.1 样品被确认合格之后,模具工程师对模具进行验收并填写《固定资产验收报告》(R-ESP-FIN-03-01A),验收报告提供给财务部。
After accepted the sample, mold/die Engineer will accept the mold/die and fill in <Fixed Asset Acceptance Report> which will be submitted to Finance Dep..

5、记录保存 / Record Retain

5.1 技术部保存《新开模具申请书》至少3年。
<New Mold / Die Requisition> will be kept by R&D at least 3 years.

5.1 ME部保存模具图纸至该机型被淘汰后至少3年。
Mold/Die drawing will be kept by PE at least 3 years after the relevant product was washed out.

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